Vlad Adam

Vlad Adam is a corporate finance guy who's been writing science fiction short-stories and novellas since he was 14 years old. They all faded away into the dark corners of his hard drives until, one day, as he left work and got into his car, he was struck by a thought he had never had before:

I can't wait to get home and find out what happens next in that book I've been writing!

The book in question would go on to become his first published novel, Keepers of Terra, part of his planned The Saga of the Days After series, together with Many Names of Cain, Here and There and The Lives of the Children.

In 2023, he founded Black Lighter Originals, an independent English-language publishing house.

Vlad was born and raised in Bucharest, Romania and graduated from Leiden University in the Netherlands with a degree in International Relations.

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